The Best Healthy Cereals to Add to Your Grocery List

Cereal has been a staple breakfast food since the 1960s. The craze around breakfast cereal reached an all-time high in the 90s with popular sugary cereals advertised towards children. Companies used cartoon characters, prizes, and colorful, sugary cereal to boost sales. Concerns about ingredients like sugar and artificial additives have caused a decline in the number of cereal sales in the years following.

In recent years, though, companies have been pushing healthier cereal choices to both children and adults. Whole ingredients and minimal additives are becoming the industry standard as more consumers prioritize their health.

What To Look For In Healthy Cereals (And What To Avoid)

The cereal aisle is full of different choices. Some might find it overwhelming to sort through all the cereals to find the best one. Below we have a list of what we believe are the best healthy cereal choices on the market.

It also helps if you know how to determine if a cereal is healthy or not. Sometimes it's easier to start your search knowing what you need to avoid. Typically, bright colors and cartoonish designs are geared towards children and, unfortunately, most of these cereals are full of sugar. Stay away from sugary, dessert-like cereals and opt for more nutritious choices outlined below.

Whole Grain

Choose a cereal that is whole grain as opposed to refined grain and white flour. Whole grains are much more nutrient-dense.

Low Sugar

Processed sugar can affect your insulin levels, cause rapid energy spikes (and a sugar crash after), and cause obesity and other long-term health concerns.


Protein helps you feel fuller for longer and plays a role in building and repairing muscles.


Fiber is great for digestive health and helps to slow down the absorption of sugars. If you do opt for more sugary cereal, try and find one with added fiber as well (or add in your own!)

Our Top Healthy Cereal Choices

  1. Cheerios

  2. Kashi Go Original

  3. Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Crunchy Cereal

  4. Alpen Muesli

  5. Old Fashioned or Steel Cut Oatmeal

  6. Uncle Sam Toasted Whole Wheat Berry Flakes and Flaxseed

Add A Little... Spice!

If you're not into plain breakfast cereal, spice up your morning by adding extra ingredients to boost nutrition and taste. Plain oatmeal is... well... plain. Add fresh fruit or nut butters to your oatmeal for a flavorful treat.

You can also sprinkle your cereal onto greek yogurt for an added protein boost with a satisfying crunch.


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